To create an account in Windows Mail, follow these steps:
- Open Windows Mail and click Tools.
- Click Accounts, at the bottom of the menu and a pop window named Internet Counts will appear.
- Click the Add button on the left side of the screen and the Select Account Type window will appear.
- Select Email Account and click Next.
- A window will appear with Your Name at the top. There is an open field to type a Display Name. Type the name that you would like for recipients to see when they receive an email from you. Click Next.
- A window will appear with Internet Email Address. You will now see an open field to type Email Address. In the Email Address field, type your complete email address in all lowercase letters (ex: someone@domainname). Click Next.
- You will now see the Email Server Names Screen. Select POP3 from the drop down menu at the top that asks you to select what type of incoming mail server you have.
- There is an open field for Incoming Mail Server Name. Type your incoming mail server name in all lowercase letters (ex: pop.domainname).
- There is an open field for Outgoing Mail Server Name. Type your outgoing mail server name in all lowercase letters (ex: smtp.domainname).
- Leave the checkbox next to “Outgoing server requires authentication” blank.
- The Internet Email Logon Screen will appear.
- In the Email Username field, type the first part of your email address in all lowercase letters (include anything listed before the @ symbol in your email address).
- In the Password Field, type the password you were given.
- Place a check next to remember password and click Next.
- The Congratulations window will appear. The Window will show that you have successfully entered all of the information required to set up your account. Click Finish.
- Place a check next to the option that reads do not download my email at this time and then click Finish.
- The Internet Accounts window will appear and the email account (pop.domainname) you created should appear in the Window. Click Close.