If you have a dial-up account and are using Windows XP, you can connect to the Internet by following these steps:
Click Start.
- Click Connect to.
- Select DomainName.DomainType, such as yourisp.com or 24hoursupport.com.
- Type your user name, which is the first part of your email address. For the email address tsimpson@24hoursupport.com, for example, the user name is tsimpson.
- Type your password.
- If you do not want to type your user name and password each time you connect, click the Save this user name … box.
- If you checked the Save this user name … box, select Me only or Anyone who uses this computer. If your computer does not require a user name and password to sign on, then your only choice is Anyone who uses this computer.
- Click Dial. If you have trouble connecting or get disconnect frequently, you may need to disable call waiting. Otherwise, contact technical support.