An HTML editor is a software application for creating and modifying web pages and web sites.

Some HTML editors require the person designing the web page to be knowledgeable in writing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code. The HTML code of a web page can be written with any text editor. Even an application as simple as Notepad, provided with most Microsoft Windows operating systems, can be used to create a web page in HTML. However, more advanced web editors are capable of creating web pages with related languages such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Javascript. Some of these advanced applications also include file management and FTP tools that manage communication and the transfer of files to remote web servers.

Other HTML editors, called WYSIWYG HTML editors (short for “what you see is what you get”), are useful to people who want to create a web site for business or personal use but have little or no knowledge of HTML. WYSIWYG HTML editors have graphical interfaces that often resemble word processing programs in both form and functionality. These programs are easier for novice web designers to use and can create web sites and modify web pages quickly.

Many software manufacturers offer HTML editors and some offer several versions that serve the needs of novice, intermediate and professional levels of web designers. For your convenience, links to information on several free and for-purchase HTML editors are provided below:

 Free Text and WYSIWYG HTML Editors

HTML Editors for Purchase

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